VE Connect

Worktank VE Connect Webcast Support

Worktank's VE Connect is a versatile web broadcast platform that delivers high quality streaming video and multi media content to nearly all modern browsers and web connected desktop and mobile devices.

System Set-up and Resource Links

Joining a VE Connect webcast is as straightforward as clicking on a link. Participants do not need any additional software or apps and can easily join from any desktop, laptop, or mobile device.

If you wish to test your device for VE Connect compatibility prior to your event, feel free to run Worktank's System Check.

Browser and Device Support

Desktop Browsers

The following desktop browsers are currently supported by VE Connect:

Browser Versions
Chrome 58+
Firefox 52+
Internet Explorer* 11+
Microsoft Edge 14+
Safari 10+

*Flash required for IE11 on Windows 7.

Mobile Devices

VE Connect is supported on most mobile devices. The following includes currently supported devices and mobile browsers.

Devices Browsers OS
iPhone 5s+ Safari iOS 9+
iPad 2+ Safari iOS 9+
Any running Android 4.0+ Chrome Android 4.0+

Note: Chrome on iOS is not officially supported due to extremely low overall usage.

Who to Contact with Questions

For technical assistance, contact Worktank's Worktank's Ve Connect Support Team.


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